Since Americans have been spending more time at home than ever, the demand for Aeroseal duct sealing technology has been booming. Why? This innovative and efficient product takes duct cleaning to a new level of excellence.
Why Doesn’t My AC Cool My Entire Home?
If you find that your AC is running but does not seem to be cooling your entire house, it is most likely because of one of the following reasons.
Is Air Duct Sealing Worth the Cost?
Sealing the leaks in your ductwork will indeed maintain the lifespan of your HVAC system. But it will also preserve the air quality in your home—and it can do more than that.
Don’t Lose Your Cool: 5 Surprising Benefits of Duct Sealing
Duct sealing is a lesser-known process that can make your HVAC work better. Keep reading to learn what this method is and the five surprising benefits it can give you.
Hidden Hazards: 3 Common Contaminants in Your Air Ducts
You may be shocked to learn that your indoor air quality is less than ideal. This is usually because your air ducts jam-packed with contaminants. Fortunately, there is hope.